
9 Months Milestone

At nine months old, your little one should be hitting these milestones.

The majority of children will achieve these development milestones by the time they turn 9 months. All children develop at different rates. Some children are slower than others (developmentally delayed) but catch up with time. Other children, however, may have an underlying problem that causes their development to be delayed, and they may not catch up.

Download Checklist

Evaluate your child with this checklist

It is important for these children to get as much treatment (early intervention) as possible. So if you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s development, see your child health nurse or doctor for help as soon as you can. If in doubt, it is better to have your concerns checked than to ‘wait and see’.

Gross Motor

  • Sit without support
  • Get into sitting position
  • Crawl, or make crawling attempts
  • Begin to stand holding on

Fine Motor

  • Point with index finger
  • Hold objects using thumb and fingers
  • Bang objects together (one in each hand)

Talking and understanding

  • Babble (vowels and consonants together)
  • Put two syllables together into babble words
  • Babble phrases of 3-4 syllables
  • Perhaps say ‘mama’ or ‘dada’
  • Imitate speech sounds
  • Respond to own name
  • Show interest in listening to people talking to each other
  • Listen to soft sounds


  • Display fear or unease around strangers
  • Feed self (eg a biscuit)
  • Enjoy playing games with people, like peek-a-boo
  • Try to get toys out of reach
  • Play with cup or spoon
  • React to self in mirror


  • Look at and feel objects in their hands
  • Put objects down and pick them up
  • Enjoy exploring and moving around
  • Search for objects after they have fallen

Youthrive is providing this as general information only and it should not be relied upon as professional or medical advice. You should seek professional and medical advice for particular health concerns or manifestations. Our best efforts have been used to ensure this information is considered correct and current in accordance with accepted best practice in Queensland as at the date of production.

Originally produced by Child Development Network.